Peak Name: Mount Arkansas

Peak Height: 13,795'

Location: Mosquito Range CO

Route: North Ridge

Difficulty: Class 3

Trailhead: Hwy 91 switchback 1 mi south of Fremont Pass

Round Trip Stats: 5 mi, 2600 ft

Date Climbed: 1/13/2016

The North Ridge of Mount Arkansas is an enjoyable and convenient winter outing for those looking for a little more than a hike. Most of the ridge is easy but scenic with good views of the nearby Democrat/Lincoln/Bross 14er trio. A brief narrow and rugged section spices things up and requires some 3rd class scrambling over snowy rock.

Cool lenticular clouds added to the ambiance on this day, but the price of this extra eye candy was enduring an icy cold wind. Even at a very casual pace we were back at the cars mid afternoon.

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