Peak Name: Bee Hive Peak

Peak Height: 6,904'

Location: Zion National Park

Route: Southeast Ridge

Trailhead: Zion Museum

Difficulty: 5.7

Round Trip Stats: 3 mi, 3000 ft

Date Climbed: 11/23/2015

Bee Hive Peak is a cool little white dome perched atop the infamous 2000 foot high Streaked Wall. Several 10-15 pitch routes scale this particularly featureless, overhung face, the easiest of which requires substantial A3 climbing. This is the most intimidating and committing big wall in Zion.

Fortunately we've learned of a mortal way to get to the top of the Streaked Wall that involves sneaking up a variation of the standard descent route. Don't expect a walk in the park though. It requires plenty of exposed scrambling and a couple pitches of rather steep, sustained, and serious roped climbing.

Scaling the obvious approach gully that leads to the southeast ridge isn't too traumatic. We pitched out 100 feet of the loose, low 5th class terrain and felt fine scrambling the rest. Once on the ridge we mostly followed the general path of the fixed lines, sometimes deviating a bit to more appealing terrain. Some of the lines were in decent shape; others were not. The crux of the route is a steep headwall that the standard decent route conquers with a 200 foot rappel. To bypass this 5.11 obstacle on the way up, traverse left around a corner onto the steep south face and climb two pitches to 5.7 that feel surprisingly spicy for their grade. Meet up with the fixed lines above and scramble low 5th class to the clean and beautiful white slabs that adorn the top of Bee Hive Peak.

This minor peak has some of the most stunning views in the park. We may even have to go back one day!

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