Peaks Climbed: Torreys Peak (14,267'), Grays Peak (14,270'), Mount Edwards (13,850') & McClellan Mountain (13,587')

Route: Kelso Ridge Difficulty: Class 3

Location: Front Range, Colorado Trailhead: Grays Peak

Mileage & Gain: 8 mi & 4,700 ft

Date Climbed: July 28, 2017

Grays and Torreys Peaks are probably the most climbed fourteeners in Colorado. This was my fifth ascent of Torreys and my sixth of Grays. Even though it was a weekday and the forecast was for 70% chance of stoms, we saw hundreds of others on the trail. Surprisingly, there were no other parties on Kelso Ridge, a popular and very straightforward alternative scrambling route to the top of Torreys. We also had the ridge from Grays over to Edwards and McClellan to ourselves. The whole area was bursting with bright green color from recent rains.

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