Lady Mountain - Mount Moroni
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Looking up Zion Canyon and the Virgin River from the Emerald Pools Trail.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

For the most part the route is well marked by yellow and red paint.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

A steep staircase of sorts marks the start of a highly improbable route up through the cliffs on the east face of Lady Mountain. This route was constructed by the Park Service way back in 1925. 1400 steps were chiseled into the soft sandstone and 2000 feet of cable and 2 ladders were installed. In the late 70's it was deemed too dangerous, the "trail" was closed, and all of the hardware removed. Today bold scramblers can still make use of it to reach the summit!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Carved steps turn this 5th class slab obstacle into a steep 3rd class scramble.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh with Zion Lodge below.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy carefully scrambling up a tricky section of rock. The steps have really eroded, especially near the bottom here.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Crux #1: A deep chimney. A couple of 5.6ish moves over MUCH air are required. There is one bolt at the bottom of the chimney for anchoring a belayer and one bolt at the top for belaying seconds and rapping on the way down. A BD #2 cam can be placed reasonably well but is not really necessary for a confident climber/scrambler. We rope up, I lead and then belay Andy & Josh up.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy holds onto a pine tree for protection as he traverses a narrow, exposed ledge. Cables used to serve this purpose. Today trees are the best we can do.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy continues to traverse the exposed ledge system running south on Lady Mountain's east face.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

This way! Don't trip!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Partway up Lady Mountain we veer off the "trail" and take a detour toward Mount Moroni. This rubble gully with a dead tree marks our departure location.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh hikes up a nifty little slot en route to the top of Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Mighty Jacob towers above Andy as we near Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy and Josh scramble up a tricky spot.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Mighty Isaac comes into full view as we climb higher.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy, Josh & Jacob.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy approaching the summit of Mount Moroni with its north ridge in the background.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy just below the summit with great views down into Zion Canyon.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy & Josh on Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

View west into the Court of the Patriarchs from the summit of Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Yet another shot of Jacob.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy on the descent from Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

After regaining the Lady Mountain "trail" we soon come to the second crux of the route: a 12 foot open book. This one's a little tougher, 5.7, but its short and not exposed. Andy bravely tackles it first. Notice the old, now useless hardware on the left wall.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy gets a little help from Josh and manages to overcome the obstacle without feeling the need for a rope. Nice work Andy!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh tops out above crux #2.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy scrambling further up Lady Mountain.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy & Josh take a break at a cool alcove along the trail.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh and a bunch of red paint marking the way.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh climbing up an exposed, 4th class chute. There was a rappel anchor at the top of this section but we didn't need it.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh atop Lady Mountain's east face cliffs.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

From here its a 10 minute hike to the top of Lady Mountain.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Top of Lady Mountain! Its my 2nd time here.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

The distinctive red alcove on Cathedral Mountain is obvious from here.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh beginning the descent.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Careful here! Slip on the dirt and you'll fall over a sheer cliff face thats at least hundreds of feet tall!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh above the Virgin River.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh carefully making his was up the exposed Moki steps.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Yellow arrows point the way.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh approaching one of two cruxes of the route. There used to be a ladder here!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Yikes, its clear there is no room for error here!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh hikes along the narrow ledge.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy gazes ahead to the summit of Mount Moroni. Time for some bushwhacking!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Routefinding our way to the top of Mount Moroni. Just can't get enough of Jacob! Too bad I'll never get to climb that one.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Isaac as seen from the top of Mount Moroni.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Above the second crux we found the trail a little difficult to follow in a couple spots.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

The summit of Lady Mountain is finally visible. Still a ways to go.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh high above Zion Lodge.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy leads the way across another exposed ledge.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh and Andy carefully descend an exposed section. We're tired and this is no time to get sloppy!
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

We take it one step at a time.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh rappels the upper crux from an exisiting anchor. Last time I was here there was so anchor.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Josh rapping the lower crux from an eyebolt.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Andy oozes down a worn out staircase. In its current state this section is low 5th class near the bottom.
Zion National Park
April 10, 2012

Battle scars & beers, Visitor Center parking lot :)