Peaks Climbed: Lady Mountain & "East Spur"

Peak Heights: 6,945' / 6,440'

Route: Std East Face

Difficulty: 5.4

Location: Zion National Park, Utah

Trailhead: Zion Lodge

Mileage & Gain: 4 mi & 4,000 ft RT

Date Climbed: April 18, 2018

Lady Mountain is perhaps the centerpiece of Zion peakbagging. Looking up at that steep east face from Zion Lodge you'd never guess there is such a blue collar route that the average scrambler barely needs a rope for. This is made possible in part by the remmants of the old Lady Mountain tourist trail that was decommisioned and dismantled forty years ago. Aided by carved steps and old painted arrows still showing the way, Lady Mountain is a popular and fairly casual outing.

I've hiked up Lady Mountain a few times, and the impetus for this return trip was twofold really. I thought it'd be a good intro to Zion peaks to share with Patrik on the first day of our trip, and I'd never visited a minor (but ranked) subsummit that has come to be known as the "East Spur". The East Spur can be reached via a relatively straightforward detour from the standard Lady Mountain route.

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