Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Cathedral Mountain from the West Rim Trail.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Mount Majestic from the West Rim Trail. This is actually the slightly lower northern summit; the true summit is out of site to the left. We'll follow the trail as it wraps around to the other side of the mountain and then descend into Behunin Canyon to gain access to a weakness on the west side.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic hikes along a slickrock portion of the West Rim Trail.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Melting snow gives rise to a delicate waterfall along the West Rim.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

The northeastern cliffs of the Mount Majestic plateau ooze water, seemingly staining them black.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic descends trickling Upper Behunin Canyon. Our route escapes the canyon directly above the first technical drop and a permit is not required.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

We climb northeast out of the canyon onto Behunin Ridge. Indian Paintbrush is in full bloom.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

We traverse below the crest of the ridge on its west side to avoid some unnecessary difficulties. Castle Dome is the distinctive peak in the background.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic & Castle Dome.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Making our way north along Behunin Ridge. Mount Majestic's summit plateau is in sight.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Behunin Canyon is on the left.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Upper Behunin Ridge. The crux is at the small tree about halfway up; severely exposed 5th class slab can be avoided by instead opting for a solid 3rd class tree climb! A sling around the tree indicates that this is used as a belay/rappel spot by some parties.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic approaching the crux on upper Behunin Ridge.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic on a steep and exposed section of Behunin Ridge.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Lower Behunin Canyon as seen from the top of Behunin Ridge. I think the peak in the center is Mountain of the Sun, across Zion Canyon. On the right Mount Moroni (very short one just right of canyon exit), Jacob and Lady Mountain (far right)? My best guess.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Mount Majestic in all its glory. Its sheer west face drops straight down into Behunin Canyon. Majestic's summit cap is on the right. The longer summit cap on the left belongs to neighboring Cathedral Mountain.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic on Majestic's summit plateau which used to reportedly be an extreme bushwhacking nightmare. A recent fire has made some drastic changes for the better. Evidence of the burnt brush, predominantly manzanita, is littered everywhere.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Looking south across Majestic's expansive plateau to the summits of Catherdral Mountain and Mount Majestic.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic descending from the lower northern summit of Mount Majestic.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Baby manzanitas grow alongside remnants of their burnt predecessors. Its an interesting ten minute stroll over to the summit cap from here. Several years ago CP reported an hour long bushwhack that left him shredded and bloody!

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic carefully climbs up some very sandy and crumbly slab on the south side of Majestic's summit cap.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic scrambles up Mount Majestic's crux. The climbing where he is at in this picture is probably 5.3-5.4ish and the rock is horrendous, even by Zion standards. No protection available, he delicately climbed up and gave me a belay from the top! Whew!

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic rappelling the short crux pitch. Our route topped out on the red rim in the foreground. The exit mantle moves were the toughest part of the pitch (5.5 at least) but thankfully the rock was confidence-inspiring here.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

The brightly colored rock on Majestic's summit cap stands in beautiful contrast with the white Navajo Sandstone in the surrounding area.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

From the saddle between Majestic and Cathedral we traverse south along the base of Cathedral's summit cap through this amazingly vibrant alcove. The southeast side of the cap allows 2nd class passage to the summit plateau. From here we can look down on dozens of tourists on Angels Landing.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

View down Spearhead Canyon which runs south from the Majestic/Cathedral col.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

Dominic rigging the 100 foot rappel north from the col into Hook Canyon. The anchor is a large, precariously growing tree right next to the edge of the plateau. We're looking forward to a quick exit out of here but at the same time we're a bit apprehensive about dropping in... it looks like a long, uninviting way down and we know Zion is unusually wet at the moment.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

The initial rappel is wet and slimy and ends in snow. There are only a few meters to spare with our 70 meter rope.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

The canyon was choked with snow in many places and the upper part even contained large, slick blocks of ice. It was a wet and muddy slip and slide. A large chunk of the slope on the east side of the Mount Majestic plateau had recently broken off and resulted in a large mudslide, dumping directly into the canyon.

Mount Majestic & Cathedral Mountain
Zion National Park
April 22, 2011

We trudge on through the snow and only one more grungy rappel is required. The canyon soon opens up and we quickly reconnect with the West Rim Trail.