Peak Climbed: "Peak Inaccessible"

Peak Height: 7,080'

Route: South Ridge

Difficulty: 5.3

Location: Zion National Park, Utah

Trailhead: Lee Pass

Mileage & Gain: 19 mi & 4,500 ft RT

Date Climbed: May 26, 2019

"Peak Inaccesible", so named by the great backcountry explorer Courtney Purcell, is tucked deep within the Kolob Canyons area of Zion National Park. Though this peak is in and of itself not terribly exciting, its position on the high plateau between Death Point and Timber Top Mountain is absolutely breathtaking and the ascent is filled with some very sweet eye candy. The inspiring views of Kolob Arch and Gregory Butte alone are worth the effort.

This is a long hike but 13+ miles of the route are on very good trail and go by quickly. The majority of the off trail travel is easy (by Zion standards) -- some brushy scrambling and plenty of slickrock strolling.

Breaching the high plateau is the only substantial difficulty, but not one to be taken lightly. Though this crux pitch is not technically very difficult, wild exposure and a general lack of protection make it a fairly serious undertaking. Courtney & friends called it 5.3 but I wouldn't argue with a slightly harder rating. Due to it's traversing nature I recommend that everyone in the group should be a solid climber. A follower fall would be very ugly. Luckily this obstacle can be rappelled from a large pine tree on the descent. Bring a 60m rope and some slings and carabiners.

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