Peak Climbed: Pigeon Spire

Peak Height: 10,354'

Route: West Ridge

Difficulty: 5.4

Location: Bugaboo Provincial Park, Canada

Trailhead: Bugaboo Spires

Mileage & Gain: 5 mi & 2,300 RT from camp

Date Climbed: August 23, 2017

Thanks to its beautiful granite, attention grabbing exposure, and breathtaking scenery, Pigeon Spire is one of the most delightful peaks on the planet, an alpine scramblers paradise. Just difficult enough to keep it interesting in a fun sort of way. Some parties rope up for parts of this and others don't. Dom and I felt ok scrambling the ridge in full (wearing rock shoes). The crux comes at the end in the form of a little 5.4 traverse over massive air. We rapped from the summit which avoids this part on the descent.

Pigeon was my favorite peak of the three major Bugs. Short, simple, stunning and a perfect ending to this leg of our trip. Even if you're not a big technical rock climber with your sights on longer and tougher routes in the area, its worth the trip to climb Pigeon alone.

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