Pingora's East Face
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

My approximation of our 11 pitch route up the cracks on the East Face of Pingora. The hardest pitches are the 4 at the top. Felt stiff for 5.7.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

The parallel cracks left of center mark the standard start to the route. We take the right one which is reportedly 5.6. Our shabby crack technique shows through and the long pitch feels harder than that as we're forced to jam.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Its a bit of a tricky start due to the snowbank at the base. Above that Dominic has to smear on dirt covered rock, recently melted out, to reach his first protection opportunity.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Hmmm... what does Mr. Kelsey have to say now?
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me leading the second pitch.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic's happy he doesn't have to do all the work today.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic leading up the third pitch.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Crack, crack and more crack! Lots of practice for us sucky crack climbers.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Looking down the lower part of the face.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic atop P3.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me leading P4.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic atop P5. Time for a little break at this spacious ledge. The steep upper face looms overhead.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Huh? Better consult the guide again. Maybe if I just keep re-reading Kelsey's 6 sentences describing this climb it will help.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me leading slabby P6. This'll be my last lead of the day. Time to turn it over to the master.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic atop P6.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic starting up P7. The wall is steepening. This reminds me of a Wham Ridge on steroids.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me on what I think is P7.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me following P8, the hardest one yet. Damn wide cracks!
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Looking down the east face at Lonesome Lake.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Mitchell Peak as seen from high on Pingora's East Face.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Looking up P9. Yay, another crack.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic at the base of P10. Finally we have a dihedral to go with our crack. That ought to help our tiring bodies.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic starting up P10.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Looking up P10.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic at the base of P11. Will this face ever end?
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic on the summit of Pingora Peak.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me on Pingora.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Wolfs Head and Bollinger Peak. Still can't believe that ridge on Wolfs Head goes at 5.6.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Feels good to get the climbing shoes off after 11 pitches.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Dominic with Camels Hump (left) and Lizard Head (right). The connecting ridge is hopefully in our future.
Left Side Cracks [5.7]
Wind River Range, Wyoming

Me rapping down the K-Cracks on Pingora's South Buttress.