Peaks Climbed: Morgan Peak, Santa Fe Peak, Sullivan Mountain & Geneva Peak

Peak Heights: 12,474' / 13,180' / 13,134' / 13,266'

Route: Ridge Traverse

Difficulty: Class 2

Location: Front Range, Colorado

Trailhead: Peru Creek

Mileage & Gain: 12 mi & 4,200 ft RT

Date Climbed: January 2, 2019

A loop over Santa Fe and Geneva makes for a nice winter daytrip from the Front Range. Morgan and Sullivan are just two unranked bumps along the way. While the route wouldn't be a great idea in touchy avy conditions, I'd wager it is fairly safe most of the time. I first climbed these peaks back in 2007 under a heavy April snowpack without issue.

There is one highly annoying thing about this hike. The town of Montezuma appears to be full of a bunch of arrogant assholes who post no parking signs at every opportunity. They clearly want to scare anyone away from parking there even though there is plenty of space. A sign as you enter town indicates that it is illegal to park on county roads. There is a parking area at the base of the road that switchbacks up to Morgan Peak, complete with a plethora of no parking signs. WTF? I parked at the Peru Creek Trailhead a mile away and hiked the damn road. Bastards.

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