"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

"The Red Hills" from our starting point to the east. The highpoint is on the left. It would be shorter and easier to approach from the south but there appear to be private property issues.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

The summit is not quite a mile away from our starting point but we are forced to gain and lose elevation as we traverse toward it.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

We stroll up and down dirt ridges and gullies.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Game trails abound and we stick to them to avoid the cryptobiotic soil (there's lots of it).

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

The summit is the point left of center.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

We're heading for the ridge on the right... little do we know nasty hardpan scree awaits...horrible stuff!

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Now on the east ridge, Parriot Mesa forms a massive backdrop.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Dominic scrambles up the 3rd class summit block.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Looking northeast from the summit toward the Colorado River.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Parriot Mesa is huge to the east.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Beginning the descent. This time we're going to avoid the nasty scree on the ridge.

"The Red Hills"
Castle Valley, Utah
April 1, 2011

Snake we came across on the traverse back to the car. I have no idea what it is.