Peak Climbed: UN 12,260

Peak Height: 12,260'

Route: SW Ridge & Slopes

Difficulty: Class 3

Location: Wind River Range, Wyoming

Trailhead: Big Sandy Opening

Mileage & Gain: 2 mi & 1,460 ft

Date Climbed: August 25, 2018

This unnamed little summit was one of the ones I was most looking forward to on the trip. UN 12,260 sits not much more than half a mile from mighty Lizard Head, its northwest face depicted as a curiously steep glacier on the topo map.

The small lake north of Lizard Head that I called home for a night was sublime - deep, bright, clear, cold aquamarine. There were very limited options for pitching my tiny tent among the boulders but I made it work. This place instantly lifted my spirits.

The boulder hopping from camp past the upper lake was slow. I hit the southwest ridge uf UN 12,260 just short of the saddle with Lizard Head. It was easier going below the crest on sometimes grassy-ish ledges, but I tried to stay near the top a lot because the views were incredible. Huge boulders near the crest made for some interesting, slabby climbing.

On the descent I stayed entirely below the ridge, connecting steep but largely walking terrain more directly to the upper lake. The descent from camp to Bear Lake and back to the trail was mostly straightforward, but safely traversing a steep scree slope with a heavy pack required some routefinding.

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