"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Our route utilizes the same weakness in the Johnson Mountain Ridge that provides access to The Watchman and Johnson Mountain. This is my fourth trip up this route but the views of Mount Kinesava (left) and West Temple (right) bathed in early morning light and towering over the town of Springdale never get old.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Moon over "Zion Butte" to the south.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

After cresting the Johnson Mountain Ridge Dominic begins the descent down the opposite side toward The Watchman.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Dominic scrambling out of the wash between Johnson Mountain & The Watchman.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Sun-kissed Johnson Mountain.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Another shot of Johnson Mountain showing the cliffs on the south side. There is at least one well-established, highly technical route there.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Johnson Mountain parting shot... just can't get enough of that beautiful boy.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

"No Mans Mountain" lives in a hanging garden of sorts. This area has a fantastically remote and desolate feel, one of Zion's hidden corners of paradise.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Dominic and Bob entering a deep slot which CP promises will deliver us somehwhere good. Intead of trying to rappel a large cliff band, we'll tunnel down through it!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Bob in the slot.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Very tight!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

See that crack right of center? That's the slot we descended!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Dominic chimneys down a wide crack with a log exit as Bob watches from above.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

The rarely seen back side of The Watchman. The summit is on the far right.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Looking back at "No Mans Mountain".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

"Whale Peak" is the mellow summit in the center of the photo. We're deep in Zion's convoluted backcountry and there are no known ascents of this mountain. In the background (left to right): East Temple, "Destination Peak", "Gifford Peak", "Hepworth Peak" and "Roof Peak".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Dominic and the summit block of "Stevens Peak" which goes at about 5.2. CP made the first ascent of this peak last year and today we're making the 2nd ascent. Passing over this summit is the only way CP knows of to reach "Whale Peak".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Descending "Stevens Peak" toward "North Stevens Peak" (left of center). The map shows "Stevens Peak" and "North Stevens Peak" as having the same height but only one of them is ranked. The deep canyon right of center will be our sneaky exit route.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

The interesting summit of "North Stevens Peak", an easy scramble.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Looking back at "Stevens Peak" from "North Stevens Peak".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Indian Paintbrush in full bloom.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Bridge Mountain (left) and G2 (right) are the two peaks left of center. East Temple is right of center.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

CP, Dominic and Bob taking a well-deserved break on top of "Whale Peak" after making the first known ascent thanks to a bunch of previous recon by CP.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Beginning the descent from Whale Peak with awesome views toward the peaks on the other side of Zion Canyon.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

"Destination Peak", "Gifford Peak", "Hepworth Peak" & "Roof Peak" as seen from "Whale Peak".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Sheep horns in "Whale Bone Canyon".

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

During a previous outing CP rediscovered what he has coined "Whale Bone Canyon". With daylight hours dwindling, he decided to take a chance and explore this canyon as a descent option since retracing his steps along the ascent route would be tedious, tiring, and time-consuming. He found the remains of a route that was forged UP the canyon in the thirties that everyone had since forgotten. Old hardware, in the form of numerous eyebolts, is useful for descending but perhaps a little concerning given its age. The first rappel, shown here, is from an eyebolt backed up by a slung chockstone. I watched the bolt move back and forth as CP rappelling in front of me!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

Bob completes the first rappel.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

One of the numerous engravings in the upper part of the canyon. This one's from 1940 but they go back to the mid thirties! Those guys were a very adventurous bunch!!!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

CP at the base of an old ladder... no we did not use it and rapped instead... see next picture.

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

The ladder isn't looking too healthy these days!

"Stevens Peak", "North Stevens Peak" & "Whale Peak"
Zion National Park
April 20, 2011

View out of "Whale Bone Canyon". Once we've exited we'll join The Watchman Trail and follow it back to the Visitors Center.