A nice couple hour canyon romp with some fun downclimbing problems
Dwight rappels into Arscenic, a fun slot canyon in the Posion Springs area near Hanksville, Utah.
Dominic prepares to rap down a big dryfall immediately following the initial rappel.
Dominic on the third rappel, this one down a beautifully sculpted section of canyon.
Dominic finishes up the initial series of four rappels near the beginning of the canyon. Time to put away the rope and enjoy some downclimbing.
Dominic enjoys some tight narrows.
Kevin begins one of the first significant downclimbing problems, a 20 foot chimney. A handline provides some encouragement.
Dwight shoots down a little slide.
Dominic works his way past some chockstones in the narrow canyon.
Kevin prepares to test his newly acquired elevator skills.
Kevin and Dwight on top of a small arch we passed by on the hike out.